Belleair Shore is in an “A” evacuation zone, we are the first to evacuate.
hurrricane-evacuationConsult the county evacuation website for shelter locations and to see if your planned evacuation location will be safe from storm surge, visit If you choose to ignore a mandatory evacuation order, you will not be forced to evacuate but be aware that emergency services will not be available during the height of the storm and possibly for hours afterward.

  • Be ready to drive 10 or more miles inland to locate a safe place. Leave as soon as possible.
  • Secure your home by unplugging appliances and turning off electricity and the main water valve.
  • Tell someone outside of the storm area where you are going.
  • Bring pre-assembled emergency supplies and warm protective clothing. Take blankets and sleeping bags to the shelter. Lock up home and leave.
  • The evacuation route off Belleair Shore is the Belleair Causeway.
  • Evacuation notifications will be posted local news and more. For official information before, during and after a storm, listen to Pinellas County AM radio station WEOC-940 AM.

Special Medical Needs Evacuees
People with medical problems or handicaps who require special assistance during an evacuation can register for special needs assistance. Please click this link  and register as a Special Needs Evacuee.